Closing the Gap on Your Career Goals

But, without those trusty rungs to show the way, how do you figure out the next step in your career? How do you determine if you need to go to business school or graduate school? How do you identify your next job?


You could employ the dartboard method, or a Magic 8 Ball. Or, instead of struggling to find the next rung on that mythical ladder, you could identify your long-term career goals, and then focus on closing theor gap between today and your future
goals. By focusing on the long-term, and the skills and experiences you need to gain, you will increase your options and give yourself flexibility to operate in today’s chaotic
working world.

To determine your career plan, first write down your long-term goal. Then, do a Career Gap Analysis, by following these four steps:

Step One
Divide a blank sheet of paper into three columns. At the top of the left column, write: “Current Skills and Experiences.” At the top of the middle column, write: “The Gap.” Finally,
at the top of the column on the right, write “Future Needs.”

Step Two
In the right column, Future Needs, list the skills, education, abilities, and experiences you will need to be successful in the future you envisioned when determining your long-term goals. For example, if your future goal is to start your own business, you will need the following: knowledge of how to write a business plan, basic accounting or financial analysis skills, the ability to manage a group of people, experience in writing new business proposals, and marketing skills.


Step Three
In the first column, Current Skills and Experiences,list all of the skills, education, abilities, and experiences you currently have to offer. When making your list, be
comprehensive. Include what you have learned through volunteer experiences, hobbies,and seminars.

Step Four